Unleashing the Truth: How Democrats’ Shady Tactics Failed in the 2020 Election


The 2020 election will go down in history as one of the most controversial and divisive moments in American politics. As the nation continues to grapple with the aftermath, new developments have emerged that shed light on the Democrats' alleged attempts to manipulate the outcome.

In a surprising turn of events, conservative voices are now speaking out and exposing the underhanded tactics used by their opponents. The recent indictment of Arizona's alternate electors, linked to a prominent Democrat, has ignited a firestorm of speculation and outrage. As the dust settles, it's time to delve into the details and uncover the truth behind this unprecedented twist.

At the heart of this controversy lies the accusation that Democrats in Arizona attempted to illegally sway the 2020 election by employing an alternate set of electors. These electors, chosen by the state's Republican party, were replaced by Democrats who cast their votes for Biden.

This move, if proven true, would be a blatant violation of election laws and a clear attempt to steal the victory from former President Trump. As the indictments were handed down, the conservative camp could not contain their shock and anger, seeing it as a vindication of their long-standing claims of election fraud.

But this is not just about a single incident. It's about a pattern of behavior that has been brewing for years, with Democrats continuously using underhanded tactics to cling onto power. From the Russia collusion hoax to the Ukraine scandal, it's clear that the Left will stop at nothing to undermine their opponents and advance their agenda. And now, with this latest revelation, their desperate attempts to keep Trump out of the White House have been laid bare for the world to see.

The implications of this indictment go beyond Arizona and the 2020 election. It's a wake-up call for all Americans who cherish fair and transparent elections. It's a reminder that the fight for democracy is ongoing and that we must remain vigilant against those who seek to undermine it. The conservative perspective on this issue is crystal clear: the rule of law must be upheld, and those who try to circumvent it must be held accountable. It's time for all citizens, regardless of political affiliation, to stand together and demand integrity in our democratic process.

While the mainstream media may attempt to downplay or even ignore this crucial development, conservative voices will continue to sound the alarm. This is not a matter of sour grapes or partisan bickering; this is a matter of protecting the very foundation of our nation. The indictment of the Arizona alternate electors should serve as a warning to all those who think they can manipulate the system for their own gain. The American people deserve to have their voices heard and their votes counted, and we will not stand idly by as those in power try to silence us.

As the dust settles and the truth begins to emerge, one thing is clear: the Democrats' efforts to subvert the will of the people have failed. And while they may try to spin the narrative and shift the blame, the facts cannot be denied. The indictments in Arizona are a significant step towards exposing the truth and holding those responsible accountable. It's time to put an end to the shady tactics and restore integrity to our electoral process. For the sake of our democracy, the truth must prevail.

What are YOUR thoughts on the indictments?

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  1. Sounds to me that Joe Biden’s election bid is a fraud and so is his presidency there fore all his action are illegal and not enforceable as it appears he rigged teh election then he is not the legal president and should be held accountable as in jail time , Jail time for a long time maybe 30 years or so

  2. We as a Nation need to hold all these individuals accountable and
    show as well that America is the greatest nation under God

  3. We have know all along that crooked Joe Biden did not win that election. We knew there was no way he won it. The election of 2020 should still be overturned, and put the rightful winner, Donald J. Trump, in charge where he should have been all along. If we now have the proof that the election was rigged, it should be made right. If crooked Joe is not removed, and prosecuted for their actions, he will completely destroy our country before the end of 2024. The powers that be need to get off their duffs and right the wrong that was done.

  4. We have know all along that crooked Joe Biden did not win that election. We knew there was no way he won it. The election of 2020 should still be overturned, and put the rightful winner, Donald J. Trump, in charge where he should have been all along. If we now have the proof that the election was rigged, it should be made right. If crooked Joe is not removed, and prosecuted for their actions, he will completely destroy our country before the end of 2024. The powers that be need to get off their duffs and right the wrong that was done. You are full of shit. Post this comment.

  5. We need to go back to voting the old way we never had a problem back then and never had to stop the conting of the election we new who was the winner that night these voting machines are bullshit and why do the Democrats have so much power and get away with the same bullshit over and over they need to be kicked out of Congress along with the Republican Rino’s put term limits on Congress no more lifer’s to sell us out and become billionaires time to clean house and lock them up and throw away the key tired of them running our country and taking away our freedoms

  6. There was _so much_ electoral fraud in Arizona in 2020. Dead people voting, people that went yo vote in person and were told they had voted by mail (when they didn’t), ballot box stuffing, vote 750-250 for Biden certified 1000-0, Democrat-only vote counting, more.

  7. I have stated in another response that Arizona’s results should be subtracted from the total in order to produce the true winner. Joe Bidumb must be removed and the real winner installed in his place.

  8. The leading Democrats seem to feel that winning no matter how is their Sacred Right. When called out on an issue, their response is to just shrug and keep on doing whatever is “necessary” to win the current issue and move on to the next item to wipe their hands over.

  9. We have always known he was not a lagetiment president and the people have always known it. He is just out to destroy all that is good in this world and I believe he is the anti Christ for all that he has done to our people of the United States of America. He has turned good people to hate and hostility towards one another how do we ever turn this back to America the Beautiful.

  10. The Democrats are but a tool for the Deep State, the Military Industrial Complex (stated by President Eisenhower at JFK’s Inauguration), World Health Organization, United Nations, and others.


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