Fascism on the Rise: Biden Contemplating Declaring a National Climate Emergency


In recent news, speculation has been swirling around the possibility of President Joe Biden declaring a national climate emergency. This move, if made, would give the government extensive powers to combat the growing threat of climate change. However, many conservatives are sounding the alarm, labeling this potential decision as a dangerous step towards fascism.

First and foremost, the idea of a national climate emergency goes against everything that our country stands for. The very foundation of America is built on the principles of individual freedom and limited government intervention. Yet, here we have a president who is considering using the excuse of climate change to exert more control over our lives. This is a clear violation of our constitutional rights and a slippery slope towards a totalitarian regime.

Furthermore, it is no secret that the left has been pushing their radical climate agenda for years. They have used fear tactics and emotional manipulation to push their narrative, but it is all a ploy to gain more power. And now, with the Biden administration in control, they see an opportunity to push their agenda even further by declaring a national climate emergency. This is not about protecting the environment, it is about gaining more control and silencing any opposition.

But what is truly concerning is the potential consequences of such a declaration. With the government granted unprecedented power, it is not hard to imagine a future where our personal choices and freedoms are restricted in the name of saving the planet. This is the very definition of fascism, where the government has complete control over its citizens. And if history has taught us anything, it is that this kind of power always leads to abuse and oppression.

Moreover, the idea of a national climate emergency is based on questionable science. While it is important to take care of our planet, the idea that we are on the brink of an irreversible catastrophe is simply not supported by facts.

The climate has always been changing and will continue to do so, regardless of human intervention. And yet, the left wants us to believe that we must hand over our rights and freedoms to prevent a so-called "climate emergency". This is a dangerous manipulation and it is our duty as conservatives to speak out against it.

In addition, the declaration of a national climate emergency would have severe economic consequences. It would give the government the power to impose strict regulations on businesses and industries, leading to a decline in jobs and economic growth. This is especially harmful in the midst of a pandemic recovery. We cannot afford to cripple our economy in the name of a fabricated emergency.

It is clear that the potential declaration of a national climate emergency by President Biden is a threat to our democracy and personal freedoms. As conservatives, it is our duty to stand against this blatant power grab and defend our rights. We must not let fear and manipulation dictate our future. It is time to see through the left's agenda and protect our country from the rise of fascism.

What are YOUR thoughts on Biden’s actions?

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  1. Impeach the Fool and put him in prison now – he is corrupt a criminal and should have been in prison right after he got in office

    • @Richard Galauski…Spot=on commentary. He’s a puppet who’s being controlled by ‘handlers’ with a dark agenda. He blames Trump for becoming a dictator when in effect he’s conducted himself as such since he took office.

    • Yeah I just made a nice long comment and I don’t think the Republicans like what I had to say because they’re not helping us at all either the way they fight amongst each other I’m just over all of them so now it’s like they don’t want to accept my comment

  2. Biden should be reminded that he is not God. God is in charge of the climate. God will maintain the climate as God sees fit. There is nothing that mankind can do to alter the climate. Anything that mankind does to modify the climate will probably destroy the planet. The Electric Vehicles already are devasting to the environment. EV batteries will be filling landfills or blowing up. Clean energy (windmills, solar panels) are also devasting to the environment. Birds are dying. Children are being exploited and harmed in mines to get the minerals that are required for the equipment. Ocean wind forms will be devastating to ocean life. The removal of the minerals for the equipment is just as destructive if not more so than the removal from oil from the ground. Environmentalist should be more concerned with the preservation of the plant life (which requires carbon dioxide and sunshine) and animal life (including humankind which require the abundance of plant life supplying the oxygen that is needed for animal kind
    Mankind should work on limiting and cleaning up the pollution

  3. Complain, complain, COMPLAIN! That’s ALL people do now is complain about the things we ShOULD be FIGHTING for! Another alert to the disasters that Demoncraps bring to the people of the United States of America, but they don’t talk about a solution! They don’t talk about anything but POLLS and VOTES that can, and are MANIPULATED BEHIND CLOSED DOORS! They cry about what’s happening but offer ZERO ACTUAL SOLUTIONS! AND, if you talk about REALLY DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT, you get labeled an EXTREMIST or TERRORIST, and the media will paint an ugly picture of you, when the REAL TERRORISTS are crossing OUR BORDER UNCHECKED EVERY SINGLE DAY! OUR COUNTRY IS LOST AND OUR FREEDOMS ARE NO MORE! WE WILL NEVER GET THEM BACK! AMERICA WAS A BLUEPRINT FOR THE WORLD TO THRIVE! AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT HUMANITY COULD ACCOMPLISH, IF WE CAME TOGETHER, LEARNED FROM THE PAST, AND MOVED FORWARD, but NOOOO, EVERYONE HAD TO F-CK IT UP BECAUSE THEY CAN’T HANDLE THEMSELVES LIKE CIVILIZED CREATURES IN A FREE SOCIETY!

  4. This is another action by a man who is bent on destroying the American economy, rule of law codified in the Constitution of the United States, and one-by-one removing from citizens the right of choice of everything from the cars we drive to the stoves we cook on. Additionally, he is ponying up to Iran and other enemies, including China, while turning his back on the one true friend, Israel.

  5. So did anyone wanna breif the Pres. that the Suns in its heat phase right now and is bombarding this lil rock of ours with enough solar flare radiation to cook all of us…
    Just sayin…
    Sounds like that bullshit move of lets shutter the globe because some asshole put the common cold on steroids and weaponized it and set it free..???

    Say China where my reperation check for letting them get away with that?

  6. You idiots in Washington DC have let this senile brain dead nut job have his way. The American people hate what Biden has done to our Country.

  7. All you Republicans need to pull your s*** together and do something to get him out of there and I don’t understand the United States supreme Court cuz they got more power than you guys do Biden and his administration they are going to destroy this country don’t understand why you guys can’t push to get him out of office I don’t care and you guys in the Republican party need to quit turning on each other that ain’t helping us either you guys need to come together for the sake of us American people who put your asses in office they are breaking our constitution it is terrorism you guys need to fight harder to get something done all you guys do is fight among yourself anymore it’s getting to the point where we can’t trust anybody in our government the only person I trust is Donald Trump to stand tall in the stand strong he’s the one that kept your party together you know I was a Democrat for years and then I turned Republican don’t make me get to the point where I won’t even vote anymore I hope and pray to God Trump gets in there he’s the only one that can keep this Republican party together cuz you guys aren’t doing a very good job of it so please get on the same page for us for goodness sakes the Republicans that don’t act as a conservative and end up fighting with the Democrats on stuff than the people need to vote them out and get new ones in there our government has changed over the years I’m 65 and I’ve seen it please all I can do is pray

  8. How can these people live with themselves and the insanity they are causing . This man is just a useful Idiot a puppet. Of the truly evil.

  9. When mere man attempts to take over things that pertain to our Creator God, he is setting himself up for devastation never before seen. What moronic decisions are we going to witness before this person plunges our nation into irrecoverable disaster? O Lord, please stop him soon. Thank you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

  10. So, Marxist Obama want’s his puppet to shut down the country based on something that occurs naturally. Science has shown the Earth has gone through hot and cold cycles for eternity. Just find climate scientists not connected to the government, because none of them agree with this “Climate Change” crap.
    In fact, read old articles put out by the World Economic Forum about it, since they invented the scam to help their globalist agenda.

  11. The only climate change that’s needed is for our oil supply to be built back up. Put sanctions on the countries that are getting fuel from Iran, Russia, China. It’s called common sense. I know. Biden and his globalists, WEF, WHO, and other Communist, Socialist, Marxist, hate America loonies, might get mad. Good. They are all bastards that should be in jail. They spread hate, corruption, lies. All of what’s going on is from the devil. A devil of a President. Not really a President. He’s trying to act like he cares about the climate, Israel, Hamas, Palestine, abortionists, criminals, illegal immigrants, school boards, teachers unions, gender(there are two, man and woman), created in God’s Image). Lord, please forgive them for their ignorance. I pray in Jesus Name. I thought Americans were supposed to be Number 1. Wait a minute. This is only a dream. Nightmare. Wake me up. No one can be this stupid, hateful, evil. Claim to be the American President. Biden. Is there someone that can give him a mental evaluation. From a real hospital. Not the ones that get paid to lie. Soros funded. The guy that interfered in our and other elections. Why is he allowed to do that? I get it. Our DOJ and FBI are compromised. They hate America too. Wow! So they get paid by the American people. Like Biden, schools, colleges. What a waste of money. The only race I see, is the race to lie and destroy America. Wake-up folks.

  12. This man will do everything in his power to cripple the people of this country, he wants total control of our lives.

  13. What happened to the Republicans in Congress? Where are they? Aren’t they supposed to be the ‘opposition party’? Take a stand and defend America. This ‘go-along-to-get-along’ philosophy has never worked and gets us screwed every time. Fight for America or get out of the way.


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