Bigfoot Sighting in Colorado Mountain Captivates Train Passengers


Passengers aboard a train in Colorado were treated to an unexpected spectacle.

A couple who were initially on the lookout for elk ended up spotting what they believed to be Bigfoot, the legendary creature that has been a subject of fascination and debate for centuries.

The sighting occurred during a Narrow Gauge train ride from Durango to Silverton. Shannon Parker and her husband Stetson Tyler, both from Cheyenne, Wyoming, were scanning the landscape for elk when they noticed a large, hairy creature moving amidst the shrubs.

The sight was so unusual that it prompted another passenger, Brandon, to record the event on his phone.

The video, which has since gone viral, shows the creature prowling around the hillside before squatting down into a seated position.

As the train moved along, the creature blended into the dark brown shrubs around it, making it difficult to keep track of its movements. The passengers were left in awe, with some even speculating that the creature could stand upright.

Shannon Parker described the experience as a ‘once in a lifetime opportunity’. She also mentioned that the train conductor, despite having spent considerable time in those mountains, had never seen anything like it before.

The video has sparked a flurry of reactions on social media, with some viewers convinced of the creature’s authenticity while others dismissed it as a hoax.

This is not the first time that Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, has been allegedly spotted. In fact, there have been thousands of claims of Bigfoot sightings across various states, from California to Washington, Utah to Mississippi.

Some researchers believe Sasquatch is an ape from Asia that strayed into North America during the ice age.

A decade ago, a report by Texas veterinarian Melba S. Ketchum suggested that genetic testing had confirmed Bigfoot as a human relative that emerged around 15,000 years ago.

According to Ketchum, the North American Sasquatch is a hybrid species, resulting from males of an unknown hominin species crossing with female Homo sapiens.

While the existence of Bigfoot remains a topic of contention, incidents like these continue to fuel the intrigue and curiosity surrounding this mythical creature.

Whether or not the creature spotted in Colorado was indeed Bigfoot, the incident has certainly added another chapter to the enduring legend of this elusive beast.