Biden and Obama Join Forces for Fundraising Event with George


As the 2024 presidential election draws near, it seems that former Vice President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama have put their differences aside and joined forces for a fundraising event in June. But what makes this event even more intriguing is the involvement of none other than George, the controversial figure at the center of many conservative debates.

From a conservative point of view, this alliance between Biden and Obama may come as a surprise. After all, the two have had a rocky relationship in the past, with Obama often overshadowing Biden during their time in the White House. But now, it seems they have set their sights on a common goal – raising funds for their party.

The event, which is set to take place in June, has already sparked controversy among conservative circles. Many see it as a blatant attempt to gain financial support and influence from George, who is known for his large donations to political causes. This move by Biden and Obama only fuels the already existing mistrust towards them from conservatives.

Furthermore, the timing of this event is raising eyebrows as well. With the 2024 election just around the corner, it seems that Biden and Obama are trying to secure their position as leaders of the Democratic party. And what better way to do so than by cozying up to someone with deep pockets like George?

Conservatives are also questioning the motives behind this sudden alliance. Is it purely for financial gain, or are there underlying political agendas at play? Some are speculating that Biden and Obama are using George's influence to further their own agendas and secure their power in the party.

But one thing is for sure – this fundraiser has brought unlikely allies together, and it has caused quite a stir in the conservative community. Many are calling it a "marriage of convenience" between Biden and Obama, who may have had their differences in the past but are now united by a common goal.

Some are even questioning the morality of this alliance, considering George's controversial reputation. As a known donor to various liberal causes and organizations, he has often been at the center of conservative criticism. And now, by aligning themselves with him, Biden and Obama are inviting even more scrutiny from the right.

In the end, only time will tell what this alliance between Biden, Obama, and George will bring. But from a conservative point of view, it is a move that raises many red flags and calls into question the integrity and true motives of these political figures. One thing is for sure – this event will be closely watched and dissected by both sides of the political spectrum.

What are YOUR thoughts on Obama?

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  1. Everyone knows Obama is running an illegal 3rd term in the White House, thru his puppet,OBiden. He needs to be expelled from America.

  2. The O’Biden regime is to turn the USA into a communistic country. Barack has been pulling PuppetJoe’s strings all along. His plan is to assist and comply w the NWO agenda. Evil.
    Of course it’s all about the Benjamin’$=power.

  3. I still don’t trust this “trio” of men because they CANNOT legitimately defend their political positions, therefore, they cannot debate legitimately and everything is on “the table” including election fraud in the upcoming November election!!! In my opinion, the Deep State & the Far Left will stop at nothing to get what they want, even if it means breaking the law and commiting criminal acts, and that is a terrible thing to say in the United States of America, but unfortunately, that is a FACT!!!

  4. Obama is pure evil, and should be run out of the country in a rail! He should NEVER have been allowed to run for president, and he is the cause of the destruction of this country!!! He is behind all of the unconstitutional policies that Biden has been signing off on, and is doing his damnedest to complete his evil plan to turn this country into a communist nation!

  5. These people have no soul. Narcissistic. They must have a lonely existence. Selfish, bad money management, terrible business skills, wanting to push that on children with the delusional CRT, DEI, Woke, equity, transgender nonsense. Also, the white race blame game. People of all colors and creeds are able to go apply for a job. Look at the sports figures. From all walks of life. That is a few. Effort, sweat, merit. Things, still, can go awry. I have started at the bottom. My first job was $2.75 an hour. Did not complain. Over the years I even slept in my car, walked miles and miles to and from work. Couple jobs at a time. Went to college part time. Sweat and tears. Could have complained that someone or something was holding me back. No. I asked God to help me be better. Tried to help people everyday. Got all these adult babies, and spoiled kids. Get off your rear ends. That includes the bureaucrats and politicians that bark out orders. If you are not taking care of the American people first. What the heck are you doing? Illegal is illegal. Crime is crime. Quit being a deadbeat collecting a paycheck. There are people that have lived in Communist countries here in the United States. They are here. Things are looking a lot like that. Wake-up. Vote these clueless, evil, narcissistic people out. Everything they touch. They destroy. I will pray in Jesus Name. But, they have to get off their high horses and grow up. These protesters are a nuisance. The Universities and instructors that support this. You are all disgusting. Quit teaching bad habits. Government institutions need to stop funding these places. America is a free nation that people have died for. The race nonsense has to stop. Blame game by the Biden administration is not helping anything. He has been in politics his whole life. But has no common sense. Do. Ot be like that. Get these lifetime politicians out. Self- centered. No team work to better the country. Resign.

  6. FJB, obama and the DNC are paid for and controlled by Soros. Soros is the real ‘Dr. Evil’. He has been trying dominate different governments for years. He found greedy American politicians willing to do his bidding and then set his sights on destroying America to obtain his ultimate goal of being ‘King of the World’. How do you think obama got where he did in such a short time? Soros got him elected in 2008 and planted his people within the administration and ‘Deep State’ bureaucracies to cement his power and control. Soros is the real puppet master.

  7. Obama has no love for this country.. He is the one that restarted the division . He is also another WEF Schabb Boy. He has also been working with Biden. Why not he lives right down the street from the White House.It’s like he never left.He talks a good talk but he walks to a different tune.

  8. No need to go on with more comments, everyone has pretty much said it all. Except; did you notice that they mention GEORGE but not the last name? Most of us know it’s SOROS but you wouldn’t believe how many people never heard of him. Also, the end asks, what do you think of OBAMA? It should have said, “what do you think of ALL OF THEM”. And where’s “F bunch” and the rest? Granted, the three main ones are GS, JB, and BO. But you can bet Soros’s has his hands in all their pockets. RINO’s included.


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